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Name change Edit. A suggestion - consider giving this page a slight rewrite and moving it to just "Latinum", then have "Gold pressed latinum" redirect there as well.

Name change Edit. A suggestion - consider giving this page a slight rewrite and moving it to just "Latinum", then have "Gold pressed latinum" redirect there as well.
Yuh. Gold pressed latinum is used mostly for doff assignments. There are even assignments where you exchange gold pressed latinum for contraband.
There are several different sizes of gold pressed Latinum ... Most of the Brick props used were uncarved blocks of wood simply sawn to shape and painted gold ...
Woadroh "Woadie" Bhoith is an Alien vendor located ... [200 Gold-Pressed Latinum] 1 : Costumes. ... Star Trek Online content and materials are trademarks and ...
Get this much desired 2016 Star Trek: Deep Space 9 - Gold-Pressed Latinum Slip 1 ounce Silver Gilt is in its Original Mint Packaging for your collection.
The reverse of the bar resembles a gold-pressed latinum slip as used in Star Trek: ... liquid latinum was suspended within gold or gold dust to form the end product, ...
I think you need one more size of standard latinum, and then a brick and you've ... Nerys. dude. no commercial use? what gives. what is the point of having gold ...
what is gold pressed latinum used for - …: 4.7/5 · Gold-Pressed Latinum - Star Trek Timelines … Gold-Pressed Latinum is a Component used to craft many items for ...
Gold Pressed Latinum (GPL) - Live streaming prices and , Live Gold Pressed Latinum prices from all markets and GPL coin market Capitalization Stay up to date with the ...
Why can latinum not be replicated? ... I'd bet anything the Ferengi would have used it instead. Instead, they go with latinum, pressed into small gold bars.
A fictional currency is some form ... such as the non-replicable "latinum" used by the Ferengi ... currency and are more valuable than gold by ...
Gold pressed latinum does not compare with Earth currency. By the time that Earth came into contact with the Ferengi, or anyone who uses Latinum, Earth no longer used ...
Kolkata what is gold pressed latinum used for. High-frequency Screen. Compared with the commonly screening and grading equipments, ...
Latinum is a rare silver liquid used as currency by many worlds, most notably the Ferengi Alliance. Latinum cannot be replicated and the reasons for its rarity are ...
One hundred slips of gold-pressed latinum are equal to one strip. (DS9: "Body Parts") 1 slip. Ferengi put one slip of gold-pressed latinum into the throne of the ...
A Look at Money in Star Trek - Italian Style. Gabriella Cordone. ... of the fact that the Federation does not use ... he has heaps of gold pressed latinum to ...
Fictitious precious material in the Star Trek universe, a very rare silver wrapped in gold. They are graded according to quality, slip, strips, bars and bricks.
Hammer Crusher ¤-Mobile Crushing & Screening Machine what is gold pressed latinum used for xsm is a leading global manufacturer of crushing and milling equipment ...
Gold-pressed latinum (GPL from here forward, to save some typing) actually comes in different denominations. There are (in increasing order): * Slips * Strips. 100 ...
what is gold pressed latinum used for XSM is a leading global manufacturer of crushing and milling equipment (what is gold pressed latinum used for…
In the Star Trek universe, the fictional material "Latinum" is valued in much the way we value gold. It's almost always referred to as "gold-pressed" (the naturally ...
Ok so the Ferengi confuse the crap out of me in the series as to how much latinum is really worth. I remember them giving a ratio of how many...
Gold Pressed Latinum is the in game currency, acquiring Latinum is a in game process only, players cannot buy or trade this item, its earned by gaining ...
Nov 12, 2012· Why can't Latinum be replicated? Discussion in 'Trek Tech' started by The Borg Queen, ... "Gold-pressed latinum" is used as a …
Selling one's mother for gold-pressed latinum, the principal form of legal tender among Ferengi, is an act that would be looked on with admiration in Ferengi society.
latinum - definition and meaning - Wordnik. All other species in the Star Trek Universe use gold pressed latinum as currency and it cannot be replicated therefore ...
For use as currency, liquid latinum was usually suspended within gold or gold dust which produced gold-pressed latinum. (DS9 episode: "Who Mourns for Morn?"; ...
used volumetric concrete mixer for sale what is gold pressed latinum used for jaw crushers coimbatore gold concentrators cost south africa Critical Speed Of Ball Mill .
In gold pressed Latinum Slip Star Trek Deep Space Nine 1 oz silver gold plated bar - Official licensed Star Trek collector product Numbered Certificate
The reverse of the bar resembles a gold-pressed latinum slip as used in Star Trek: ... liquid latinum was suspended within gold or gold dust to form the end product, ...
Gold-pressed Latinum, the currency used by the Ferengi (and sometimes other races) in TNG-era Star Trek. It's a super-valuable liquid encased within (possibly ...